SHIP delivers the bagged lunches to needy people in our area. The PTA will provide the bags, supplies to make sandwiches, and napkins.
Children need to bring the following items to school to include in the lunches. Even if your child is not participating they are encouraged to bring the below items. Each student will prepare approximately 3 lunches.
EXTRA FOOD IS ALWAYS WELCOME AND NEEDED. We can accommodate approximately 75 students this year, so make sure you register your child via the PTA website. The sandwich making/assembly of the bag lunches will take place in the cafeteria after school on FRIDAY, MARCH 8TH for Grades 1 through 6 from 3:00 to 3:30pm. Pick up is promptly at 3:30. Snow date is March 15. Parent volunteers help make it happen! Please consider volunteering to help. |