Two sessions are open in Spring Term. Both will be conducted in the Salt Brook library. Space is Limited.
Beginners (Wednesday 3-4pm): Aimed to build a solid foundation for students new to chess or need more practice to prepare for more formal play. Students 1-6th grade welcomed. Beginner led by Coach Bilgen: Feb 5, 12, 19, 26; Mar 5, 12, 19, 26; Apr 2 and 9; all together for 10 sessions. Intermediate (Friday 3-4pm): Open for students 1-6th grade, who have been formally playing chess for at least a year, participated in or are considering tournaments, USCF rated games encouraged. Intermediate led by Coach Scott: Jan 31, Feb 7, 21, 28; Mar 7, 14, 21, 28; Apr 4, and 11; also 10 sessions.
Parents of 1st through 3rd Graders encouraged to stay
Code of Conduct
All participants need to pledge to the code of conduct that will make the learning environment constructive and productive for all club members.
I will participate in the class discussion with the intention of learning or sharing a sincere question, answer or comment.
I will be respectful to the time and efforts of the coach and other fellow chess players.
I will follow the directions from the coach and the parent volunteer of the day.